Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Catching The Light

Before even posting this shot, I know it is not going to make the front page of Blip. I spent a pleasant three hours this afternoon at the Hovan restaurant at Five Points in Riverside, chewing the fat with the owner, Johnny. The doors shut at 5:00 pm and we chatted for another two hours. Hence the late post.

I had a quick saunter around at 4:30, emboldened by a cup of Johnny's fine coffee. These nets on Post Street mark the boundary of a school playing field and are obviously designed to keep balls of whatever shape within the confines of the field.

With the setting sun and the buildings in the background, I saw the potential for a high contrast B&W shot. I was not disappointed.

Still three-and-a-half hours of 2010 left, I will take this opportunity to wish everyone who visits this site from all corners of the globe, A Happy and Prosperous New Year.

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