All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The appetite returns!

Happy New Year!

Hubbie and I were awake at midnight due to neighbours letting off lots of very noisy fireworks. However, Grannie & Ethan somehow managed to sleep right through them! (Yes you've guessed it - we were all really boring and went to bed before midnight)!

Unfortunately hubbie had to go to work today but Grannie & Grandpa were still here - it has been good to have them staying here for so long. Grandpa took Ethan for a walk in the pushchair in the morning to take advantage of the fact most of the snow has finally melted (it has been so frustrating not being able to go for walks with the pushchair over the past month). Grannie caught up on my ironing and I started gutting my bedroom. It ended up taking me until late afternoon to finish the bedroom as I gave it a really thorough clean. This meant I didn't see Ethan much but I think Grannie and Grandpa find him better behaved when I'm not around, lol!

His appetite has well and truely returned today. Having not eaten much for a week, he polished off a 3 course meal for dinner - nachos, fish pie and yoghurt! He has also got really good at picking up and holding his new cup while he drinks from it. He hadn't been getting on too well with the traditional cups so I bought this one with an inbuilt straw a few weeks ago. And he loves it! I also think he looks so much more grown up using it. (Another "gulp my wee boy is growing up too fast" moment)!

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