Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The tenth day of Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas,
My little boys gave to me,
Ten lips wanting kissing,
Nine tubes for feeding,
Eight diapers stinking,
Seven new signs signing,
Six new words saying,
Five puzzles conquered,
Four eyes for melting,
Three hearts uniting,
Two boys in my bath splashing,
And a dance 'round the Christmas tree.

Edit: Loud crash from above. Reuben's night nursie Jenn has come very early to help out and we eat a Boston Market roast turkey dinner takeout. We rush upstairs. Callum's climbed out of his crib to find the Russian dolls which have fallen out of bed and inside which he keeps the Santon Baby Jesus. He doesn't care that he's fallen out and bumped his head, he simply moans "Baby Jeez". I think we're gonna need a bigger bed.

PS: After another day at it, my kitchen and living room are clean!!!

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