Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Through dirty windows

Callum studies the cat running behind me as I take the rubbish, stinky diaper sausages and recycling boxes out awaiting the morning's binmen. Either that, or he's wondering why I'm wearing a ski jacket, the only waterproof I have, and flipflops, pretty much my only footwear. I deliberate whether my biodegradable diapers can break down in the stated 50 days within the plastic sausages. Probably not. Have to rethink strategy.

Migraine day 3. Always the same side of the head, throbbing. Contact lenses out as a result so I really can't see too well. Started on New Year's Eve morning before we headed to the snow, took 3 pills and it subsided a little, but true to form, the pills wore out and it was back with a vengeance. I loath taking any pills especially when I know the effect is short lived. Massage helps a little. Tried to do story time but my eyes couldn't focus on the words. Pouring rain all day so I missed church. A great shame as today is celebrated as the Epiphany. Had been keen to see the beautiful decorations which are only unveiled with a "wow" on Christmas Eve. It occurred to me that the only time I haven't had these heads have been during my pregnancies.

Whole day has been spent doing loads of laundry and attempting to clean, having it messed, attempting to clean again. Today's disasters: walking into the playroom and seeing a tube of glue emptied. I'll have to hand it to 'em: Reuben looked up happily and innocently and fingerspelt "glue" quite beautifully, saying the letters as he signed them. {The sign for glue is g-l-u-e signed}. Boys' stomachs must be a little upset as I've failed miserably cleaning the bad kitchen whilst tending to the ten or so poo-ey diapers today and endless poo-ey hands from Callum. Nurse returns tomorrow night. I won't make it back to school tomorrow. It appears to have been a holiday here on New Year's Eve, not tomorrow which is strange as it's a different year.

Won't be commenting I'm afraid til this has passed.

OK I must not be having a good day. The new extension vaulted stairwell, I can hear the drip drip, is flooding. Flooding is the theme this weekend. By myself and no means to climb up and stop it in case I fall (actually I'm vertiginous so wouldn't even try). Better clear away my hugely messy desk as the last time this happened it went through two stories to my iMac. Builder please...

Not having a good day.

Oh well, my boy does have hugely juicy lips, that makes me smile.

Edit: Woke at 2am to tube feed Reuben. Still awake at 430am. Realised my migraine has gone. Started worrying about backing up photos at 3am as if I could get up and drive to Best Buy to buy yet another HD. That seemed plausible right then though slight problem would have to get the boys up and out in the rain. Rain restarted and checked stairwell for more flooding. Yep.

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