
By willcarroll

Knoydart New Year #2

Images from an idyllic week in the Knoydart peninsula with 14 friends, old (or should I say deep?) and newer (but definitely not shallower!)...

After the second day of walking, Ruth and Austin volunteered to cook. We take it in turns as pairs to cook for everyone, you see. That way, over a week everyone has only to cook once. That works out great for me, as everyone in the party seems to be a fantastic cook. Seeing as we have been doing these trips for a good number of years now, I think that that is partially self selecting... Eveyone is always very complimentary about the food that I help to create too, but I can't help but wonder if that is them just being polite!

Ruth and Austin have a wee baby girl, who I'd not seen since the same time last year. I'd looked forward to seeing how Fiona had grown up, but alas she wasn't well enough to come, so stayed with grandparents in Glasgow. She's going to be a cleever child, being brought up bi-lingually by two parents with PhDs!

We all missed not having Fiona around. Although it would have meant that we needed to poerate a bit differently (with the Raeburn in particular being rather un-child-friendly) it would have added an whole other dynamic to the week. I'm not sure if Austin and Ruth were missing her keenly at this stage, but they were by the end of the week. Still, they should be back together as I write this now- and hopefully I'll get chance to see Fiona before another year goes by...

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