Vikki and Liam pay a visit

First day back.
Was great to see everyone.
Was a good day.
Stayed late to clear my desk as I knew that my cousin and her fella were coming over this evening.
Vikki loves that she has so many "computer nerdy people" in her family and amongst her friends. She brought her laptop over (it's pink) and I installed Picasa on there for her.
We then spent about an hour going through all of the albums on my computer hunting for family pictures. It's been a real trip down memory lane. I've sent her away with just over 400 pictures added to her laptop.
Meanwhile, James and Liam played on the XBox, admired Carlos and then played with the Nerf guns.
Foolishly, someone let Vikki have a go with the Nerf gun.
Surprisingly, she is a very good shot.
Big surprise to Liam who got at least two foam bullets to the eye and a number to his head.
Poor Liam.
Thank you to you both - it was a lovely evening and so nice to have you over. You are welcome anytime.

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