No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

End of the season...

Official Decorations Down Day today. Most were down yesterday, but still lie in piles on the floor, waiting to be organised into boxes, and stored once again in the garage.

This job goes to hubby, it has to be said - I can't pack a shopping bag well, let alone fit hundreds of odd-shaped Christmas decorations and lights into seemingly too-small storage boxes...

Still feeling rotten today - fingers crossed this cold'll shift before the weekend - bad enough feeling ill at work and wishing you were in your bed, far worse feeling ill on your days off!

Potty training update: wee D went to nursery today with pants on and a potty under his arm. He didn't use it though - he held it in ALL DAY!!! Did not pee at all between about 8am and 6pm... and then promptly filled his trousers the minute we got back home... ah well. After this though he did a lovely huge no. 2 in the potty and was duly rewarded. Tomorrow is another day... :-)

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