No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Five going on fifteen?

Wee C got this Hannah Montana perfume as part of a set from Santa - she thinks she's so grown up when she sprays it on her wrists and rubs it behind her ears like her Daddy showed her how... (yes, DADDY showed her how to put on perfume!). In reality, she just about gasses us all out - it's not the most subdued perfume in the world... :-)

What was Santa thinking?!!

Potty training update: Wee D came home from nursery today in the same clothes he went out in - with a successful visit to the potty in the middle, and a sticker on his jumper to celebrate. A second fruitful visit to the potty followed after we got home - maybe he's getting the hang of this potty malarkey after all! Yippee!!!

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