
By spitzimixi

why thank you to whoever it was

these days, when the mornings are dark and the evenings are too and the days are filled with staring into a computer screen trying to get creative and original ideas into the correct format so that people will throw money at you and say "yes yes please do that piece of research for us we couldn't imagine anyone else managing to do it as well as you can" and then one travels home via nasty smelly full public transport then one tends to have a little bit of blip-despair and wonder what on earth could be blippable in life. But you get home and find some odd shaped rubber bands and a pink plastic teapot lined up on the floor and sanity returns as one spends a happy half an hour crawling around the floor with a camera.

Much relief in my brain today as two projects have taken shape nicely enough for me to relax and feel that I will meet the deadlines. I don't know why I stress so much, I always meet deadlines and have done for the last lots of years. I generally do OK with the things I submit too...but stress is part of the fun, the existential crisis mid-sentence, the hunt for jargon that sounds convincing and all that jazz. I like to pretend that my brain is just a pink fluffy sparkly thing of no use to anyone at all but every now and then I surprise myself and do some clever stuff.

On that note, I am looking for a pickled brain in a jar - where can I buy one?

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