I am rosco

By iamrosco

The (temporary) Upgrade

My new limb is a D40.

Just a quick snap today, on my way home after a pretty busy day in the office. A kind idiot* friend has left this toy serious piece of photographic equipment** in my charge for a wee shot. Awesome.

Over the next few days I plan to twiddle every knob, twist every dial, press every button and prod every...ummm, ermmm, ahhhh, hmmmmm, whatever else there is left. I might even take a photo or two, no promises though.

Cropped this to remove some dull foreground, and (quite obviously) have boosted the saturation up quite a bit, thought it looked a bit more interesting. Really, I'm just loving the upgrade.

Miracle Alert
Before I finish up here, thought I'd point out that I did manage to capture a floating person - clearly (well, fuzzily) no feet touching the ground!

* only cos he is willing to let me look after his 40D, although I promise to recompense this gesture with an FP4+ and a T-Max 400 for his new/old camera

** I'm acting responsibly (trying anyway)

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