just be

By justbe

Fire & Ice

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Robert Frost

We awoke to a morning of wondrous winter light. Branches plastered in white, illuminated by the rising sun. Incredible, joyful, brilliant positively glowing light.

The ride to the train station was enough to bring reality back. Even in New England, the road crews and plows can't make the roads like summer after one long day and night of toil. Rumble strips of ice and dirty snow, corners buried in blankets that will quickly soil, an adventure on four wheels. Kudos to Saab and it's cross wheel drive system.

Our B will stay in hospice, her level of care has changed enough for respite to become general admission and for this we are all thankful. I suppose that may sound strange, happy that her level of care is increasing, but now it's also about her caregivers and their ebbing strength and spirit. The location of a good bed, be it at home or hospice, is not as important as who she has surrounding her now. She will have her special people and those people will be have more energy for this next stage as supporters, but not sole caregivers. Lots of prayers answered as we move to the next stage of this sad story.

Feline separation continues, she looks like she's lightening up when they pass, one free, one ensconced in a carrier, but he looks scared. I'll be making a follow up phone call today.

Bird feeding/photo area to the lower right

Winter Diving Championships underway

Diving Champ and coach

Inside, looking out.

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