
By MallyC

Umbrella plant flower

As promised here is a relatively worthy image of the Schefflera flowers. They are minute - smaller than a match head. The seeds are about the same size as the flower bud (lower left) and mimic the look of a flower bud except when you touch them they pop and the seed is gone. Seeds are about the same size as poppyn seeds.

There are lots more of these wee beauties to come so there may be more images to follow.

Spent some time in the garden with the secateurs removing a Hebe that was too leggy because it is not getting enough sun. In amongst the Hebe I found a Mexican orange blossom bush, again very leggy but with a cut back to fat developing buds we may have a reasonable bush next season.

The Chatham Island forget-me-nots were also exposed and they will enjoy the freedom to grow and astound us with their lovely flower heads.

100 tomorrow and I am pondering.................

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