Another surprise sunset

This entire day has been incredible in the outdoor sights department. First thing this morning when walking to my frozen man-van, I noticed the sky was filled with pink over the bay, and the full moon was dead center above the horizon. It was seriously incredible. I could see every single detail of the surface of the moon. But I didn't have time nor the right lens to capture it. So now it's just a memory but a lovely one at that.

On the way to my son's school, the sun was rising filling the eastern horizon with slivers of gold. As we headed down the bridge, the fog was rolling at an incredible speed across the highway. It was as if the ocean was just sucking the fog out to sea. On my way back, I pulled out for a little bit just to watch how beautiful the sun lit the top of the fog and how fast it was rolling. Again no time for a photo.

I left work a little early tonight, as I've had a migraine throughout the afternoon that just will not rest. The sunset was obviously a winner, so I headed toward the bay. I could just spot some blippers down at the dock, but I wanted to have a little time on my own tonight. So I stopped off at the little beach across the street from my house.

It was such an incredible sight. I was just in awe of the cloud formation in the sky and the colors. A young man and his father were out getting sand shrimp. They were traveling all over the place. I wanted to capture their silhouettes, but they were moving so fast. At one point they worried they'd be in my shot, and I shouted that they were fine hoping they would stand still a bit. I'm pretty sure that's when I snapped this one, but you can see dad was on the move again. :)

Some not so useful information from my 5 year old today:
If you had two tongues, then you could make the letter Y with them.

Because we only have one tongue, we can only make the letter I.

Apparently an empty shoe box fell from the shelf and gave him a mosquito bite that is very itchy.

There are no monster trucks in the world. They are just pretend.

Overall a very good day. :)

Please take a moment to view in large. It'll make you smile. :) :)

P.S. I just realized that my year ago photo was the dock, so maybe that's why I wasn't drawn to it tonight.

P.P.S. (just for you Horrigans) I also noticed that I was still using my PowerShot last year even though I had my new Rebel. I was such a chicken. Today's shot was full manual. I am proud of myself...yes I am. Well done me.

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