Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Dry Thristy Day

At 11:00 last night the wind kicked-up and blew ferociously all night. When morning arrived I felt like I had not slept. Against the windows all night, the wind was quite disconcerting.

The dry wind continued to blow all day and the temperature reached 75 degrees which is cooler than it has been the past two days, but still too warm for January. This is a less than stunning photo, but it represents the parched day we've experienced.

I didn't get much accomplished today except a little of this and a little of that. I did manage to put a package in the mail and I was thrilled about that. I had planned to send a gift to this friend at Christmas and it just never happened.

I was completely surprised by the response to "the hat" yesterday. All of the comments were great and some were so funny. Hopefully I find the bravado soon to pose wearing it.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Fifty years ago today President Kennedy was inaugurated. Thirty years ago today President Reagan was inaugurated. Two years ago today was President Obama's inauguration. Quite a day of history.

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