Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Dog Attacks Jogger

.....Well attacks might be a little strong, barked a bit is all. I actually caught three frames here and was thinking of doing a montage, dog sees jogger; jogger sees dog; dog barks (this one). I might do that and put it on my Blipfolio - I'll post a link if I do.

It is sad to report that last year Denmark banned several breeds of "Fighting" dogs (13 I think), they are now illegal to own and should be destroyed. I understand most vets are refusing to comply. I am always saddened by attack stories in the press but there often seems to be an obvious reason for the attack.

In other news: This was part of a photo hunt down at the Black Diamond again in the hope of getting one last "daylight" picture for this weeks (accidental) theme but that'll always be there so going with the rule of one time only shots are better, you get this, a daylight shot.

Edit: If anyone is interested, this is how it came out of the camera. A RAW file with reduced Clarity > B&W + sepia > Published on Blip.

Think it might be worth looking at in large.

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