Too old to die young

By msh

The Costa del Sol by Nerja, Spain

Difficulty getting a vaguely attractive blip today. The sea at Nerja was fantastic this morning, really wild, it was cold and very windy. It's not supposed to be like this, Northern Europeans flock down there at this time of the year to escape the winter. It was very busy with lots of tourists and we marvelled at the many shops selling absolute tat. The weather must have left some of the visitors bitterly disappointed, it was freezing. We both photographed a very brave fisherman, but W got there first and his looks spectacular.

We are home again after a smooth flight. W is feeling sorry for himself as he caught a cold, poor thing suffers at times like this and I never give him enough sympathy.
We are preparing ourselves for the scaffolders coming tomorrow in order to build access for the roofers who will repoint our chimney, hopefully repair leaks on both sides of the house and replace all the lead. Our car is going in for major work and our heater boiler will receive its final repair. All happening this week. Our savings are disappearing as I write. Just as well we went away when we did, we would never have allowed ourselves a holiday had we known all this was coming but fortunately we arranged it a while ago.

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