Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Two in a Row

Could this be a week of beautiful sunsets from our southern California angle? Gosh, who knows! If it is, I hope we can capture each one of them.

Mr. Fun wins the prize again today for clicking this photo. We were together and on our way home from the grocery store slightly after 5 p.m. when we spotted this. He stopped the car, took my camera, and Chloe and I waited while he stepped into the role of photographer. AND He came back with today's blip. Woohoo!

Hey, no "power" walks today, but not because Chloe wasn't willing. Several times I headed through the door from the house into the garage with her and she was ready to keep on walking and was even disappointed when I opened the car door for us to get in.

My shins are telling the tale of yesterday's three separate walks that would have been "runs" if Chloe had had her way.

It's been a good day . . . and we didn't "kill" time, we enjoyed it!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe), aka Carol

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