jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Well, I was halfway through making another collage, fiddling with levels and converting bits to b/w so I could see if colour-popping worked again, when one just said "blip me". So I did. And then I changed my mind because I like this set more...

Very Proud Mummy this morning. After yesterday's battles, today has been bliss. Ben got up with me and went to the toilet and sat on his potty next to me, and announced he was doing a poo. And so he was!!! Big fat poo. Second time of "producing" anything on the potty and it's one of them. Amazed doesn't come close.

Anyway he was happy to put a nappy on after that, as long as he got to put his pyjamas back on (and dressing gown, dressing gowns are important to his 2-yr-old mind), and I got dressed and we went downstairs. Ben wanted to read books, I wanted breakfast, so he had chocolate biscuits and half a brioche for breakfast in between "reading" his nursery rhymes book to me. He sees the picture and knows what rhyme it is! I'm looking forward to him knowing these rhymes off by heart. It's lovely hearing him "read". He "read" the gruffalo to us last night, sort of, very cutely.

Late last night (very late, sorry Hayley!) I sent a text off to see if Hayley could look after Ben this morning rather than me take him down to the hospital, and this morning she said she could. So after doing her usual school run she picked Ben up - still in his pyjamas - and took him and his clothes off to her house. Her hubby plays drums. I got the BEST picture ever sent to me in a text, Ben must have thought he was in heaven, a real set of practise pads and drumsticks to play with and headphones to wear!!!!! If she doesn't mind I'll stick it up on flickr later.

Hospital was fine, just eye drops and flash-photographs of my eyeballs. Everything's still a little bit fuzzy but it's wearing off. And I got the macro adaptor out and got an ok-ish shot of one of my dilated pupils :) I think the drops are wearing off already. Came home via Boots and bought what could be my final pack of 'sposies, some wipes, and...... yes, I gave in and have bought a few pairs of pants for Ben. I'm not sure when I'm going to tell him, but I thought better to have them in. Maybe on Friday, as we're not going anywhere until the afternoon, we can have a pants day. That ought to be interesting.

Right-o, Ben is due back from Hayley's any time soon, and I ought to cook some pasta to have with the bolognese Steve cooked last night. Must remember to eat properly, even when I don't have a Ben around to remind me.

Ben home!!! He has fed and stroked the chickens, played with the cats, drummed and drummed and drummed, watched some TV, played in the garden, had beans on toast for lunch. All good stuff. No, not good: GREAT stuff!!

Cakes this afternoon :)

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