a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

weather worn

These berries have definitely seen better days...they have seen temperatures 25 degrees colder than average, more snow than normal coming every other day, and very little sun.

They are tired, and weather worn...so I have decided use this as my entry to the 'Tired' weekly challenge. To be honest, I feel about the same way as these berries...winter seems to suck the life out of you with it's cold temperatures and dreary grey days. And what a surprise, another winter storm warning for this afternoon.....and yet another foot of snow is expected! Where will we put it all???

A funny little Jack quote:
Last night we were talking about Jacks cousin who just lost her first tooth. He asked, "Does the 'tooth guy' plant seeds in your mouth while you are sleeping to grow new ones?" Hahahahaha! I'm assuming the 'tooth guy' is the tooth fairy...and maybe he needed a 'tougher' type of name for the tooth fairy? ;)

.....just got a text message...they just cancelled school for Jack this afternoon because of the storm...he's not going to be happy about that!

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