
By mollyblobs

Hawthorn Shieldbug

Today, while putting some garden waste in our green waste bin, I found this hawthorn shieldbug Acanthasoma haemorrhoidale on the rim. This species overwinters as an adult, emerging and mating in the spring. I suspect the slightly milder weather we've been experiencing over the past weeks has encouraged it out of hibernation.

The larvae feed mainly on hawthorn berries, although they will also eat other Rosaceous berries, including Cotoneaster. It's one of the most frequent and distinctive of the larger British shieldbugs, between 10 and 13mm in length and occurs in woodlands, shrubby areas and in many gardens. When disturbed it emits a very characteristic odour (which I think is quite similar to green coriander) to discourage predators - hence the alternative name of stinkbug.

Many thanks for all your good wishes for my recovery - I think I'm just about completely better now and have now bought the paint ready to start my revamp of the hall!

PS Quite good in large!

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