The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


Bob sat in his favourite place by the window, thinking....

Perhaps thinking about his hunting days. He seems to have retired from mousing and birding (thankfully), and now he sits here by the window to watch the birds on the feeders. The birds have gone to roost, and so instead he thinks.

The story of Bob's first few days with us was told in a previous blip.

It's been observed that cat blips are for emergencies. And today was one of those. A day of dire weather and poor light. I took dismal photos of the estuary, forgetting to change the White Balance so they came out with a strong blue cast. I took more dismal photos in the rain of the River Kent flowing powerfully through Kendal, but the force of the river was lost in the pictures and it looked simply brown and dull. I came home early and hoped to photograph a bird, any bird, on the feeders - but nothing showed at all. They had eaten their way through two full feeders of seeds during the day and had retired early for the night, fully sated.

So it's a photo of Bob. Just to take this I had to push the ISO to the limit and hope he woud stay still for one tenth of a second. Fortunately he was thinking....

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