The old fashioned way

A Pen and a writing book.
Old School.

Last night, after my experiment with layers and suchlike, my creative side must have kicked into overload, as my mind filled with words that felt like the start of something.

Inspired immensely by Kip, whose words, of late, have been of great comfort and support to myself and Fisherking. Kip's creativity, his ability to create such wonderful imagery with words, last night managed to crystallise my own words to begin writing with.

For myself for now.

As I know not where it is going.

But, the book and the pen represent the start of a journey for me, on a road that I have often looked at on the map, but have never been brave enough to turn onto when I arrive at the junction for real.

Maybe validation from others about other aspects of my creativity has started to drip into my confidence tank.

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful feedback, ratings and favourites last night. My tank overflows with your praise. I think I am actually going to have the image printed onto a canvas, just because I can. It also has made me contemplate a series, to combine my paintings with my photography in an artistic way, not simply as a recording of the art on canvas.

The only creativity will have to be stifled a little in the next few days as spreadsheets need doing. Boo.

However, time does seem to be presenting itself, due to circumstances beyond my control - James' holidays do not coincide with mine until June. I feel some coffee shop time coming along in the not too distant future!

(How I did it - a reminder to myself
The image here is 3 images, simply layered - LED lights reflecting off our marble worksurface, overlaid with the journal (soft light overlay, 85% opacity), then the pen on the open book (you can just see the blank page I think) over the top - hard light, 90% opacity. Then cross processed and levels tweaked.)

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