Chick Flick

By Flick

A Not So Busy Afternoon

Unexpectedly today i found myself with some free time. Abigail's husband is having afternoons off for the next couple of weeks. Which means I am released from the afternoon drop off of Abigail to the hospital.
So what did I do ...well after delivering Abigail's charity shop stuff to a charity shop , and taking my stuff to the Sally Army I sat down to START the Photo Albums and Picture Frames (a new years resolution) but then starting poncing around taking photos that I didn't get past page three in one Album and printing out 1 photo for a frame .....SOMETIMES I DO ANNOY MYSELF.

This evening in my rush to answer the telephone was just now ... I always think 'phone calls after 9.00PM are bad news...I managed somehow to break the arm of my last remaining pair of glasses I am sitting here with my head dead straight balancing my lorgnette arrangement very carefully indeed in case they fall off...

The 'phonecall? Mum! can you take Henry to Nursery and Me to the Hospital at 8.45AM as Neil has an early meeting .....
AAAAAGH GRRRRRRR and so on and so forth

Sorry about not commenting but I remained energy stripped for the day apparently this is a well known phenomena 'The January Blues' caused by overspending at Christmas I beg to differ in my case it's caused by NOT SPENDING ENOUGH....
am off to bed now am I going to read with my one armed glasses ...? I ask you...

PS will start commenting just as soon as I get some 2 armed glasses... this should hit 2 birds with one stone glasses and spend money ...YAY!

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