Notes for the Departed

Why is it that other people age and look older when I don't?

I ask this question because today I met people I haven't seen for perhaps 30 years, and my goodness, didn't they look old.
So old in fact that I hardly recognised them with their silver hair and jowly bits.

Not only did they look old, they were so over the hill they didn't recognise me at all, which I can't fathom as I haven't aged a bit and was sure I looked the same as ever I did.

However after we'd all recognised each other by voice if not by appearance, the reminiscing began and the years fell away.
Then a strange thing happened. I noticed that they didn't look so old after all. In fact they started to look just as I remembered them in their prime.
I expect they felt the same way about me.

The phone call I was hoping for came through this afternoon from Cairo boy saying he was booking a flight home tomorrow and should be here in the early evening.

I don't know how long he will be staying, and possibly he doesn't know that either, but it will be lovely to have him home safe and sound.

It took so long to exit the crematorium this morning after Alison Geissler's funeral, that I took the liberty ( with permission) to blip the resident organist.
His Lordship thought he had a touch of Franz Liszt about him.

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