A Near Miss

What I see from my window :-

Great deep puddles on the paths

Wet trees with raindrops hanging on every branch
Sodden grass with miniature lakes allowing seagulls inland swimming
People strolling by with multicoloured umbrellas
Gale blown twigs

People at the end of dog leads and carrying little doodah bags
Dogs holding sticks in their mouths like tight rope walkers

People with pushchairs
Toddlers in gumboots dressed like Inuits
Dripping stone work

People fluorescent in yellow swishing past on bicycles
Two teams of young men with hockey sticks playing a game on the saturated turf -is it water polo?
Wind felled trees dangerously close to park benches
In the distance, a never ending stream of cars transporting people to -I know not where.

Inside, the house is warm and cosy and girding its loins for visitors.

It's always lovely to have visitors with their stories and chat when it's so miserable a day outside.

And then of course we have the trumpeted arrival of Cairo boy with tales of unrest in far off places.
The whole family is pleased that he's safe and has decided to leave for the time being.

So the Dower House is in celebratory mood come Hell or High water or even a rainy day outside.

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