The only sunset

Here's to the end of the day. A long day of conference sessions but very useful sessions at that. It's not often I don't break out the knitting at a conference. My knitting is still tucked away in a bag right now. I took lots of notes and hope to impart some of this new found wisdom on my office next Monday.

A visit to the Tillamook Air Museum was even squeezed into the day. The boys had the best time, and I had to hear about it all night tonight. They each have a little jet to remember their day.

To bed early again. This sinus infection thingy-majig is absolutely demolishing any amount of energy I might have had. And yes, my oldest is still coughing. He's fine in the day but nights are really rough. Let's hope the tylenol I've taken helps me get some rest.

Oh, I nearly forgot. This is a snap of the sunset in Lincoln City. The weather hasn't been half as lovely as home, but I did manage to get out this evening for a few moments and a few photos. Thank goodness.

Probably is best in large.

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