just allan

By allan

Swanning About

Mute Swan at Eweford, East Lothian. I was at West Barns school this morning for a chat about how Duncan's getting on. After that I rode away from the village because the light was clear and the snow on the Lammermuirs was striking. As I passed this field, a hare reared up and then shot off and I followed. The hare was gone pretty quickly (of course) and I spotted this swan in the centre of the field.

I left the bike and walked slowly up a tractor furrow, taking pictures every 20 yards or so. The swan wasn't bothered and actually came towards me. I initially though it might be aggressive - an irate swan is a formidable beastie! - but it was very calm. I walked past and round it to find a good angle. This one was my favourite. I was down in a 1-handed press-up, camera in my right hand, to get the swan over the horizon. The things you do!

Behind the swan is West Barns Primary School, the North Sea and the Isle of May.

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