Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Dundee, Discovery and Development

A bit of a rush rush day. In at work and there was an air of angst hanging over the place. Someone had said and done something after I left and another someone was unhappy about it which led to a flurry of emails and then a rather heated vocal eruption. Very unusual in our tight little family of co-workers. Fortunately, I was merely a bystander and myself and M could hardly keep our faces straight as our normally mild mannered colleague delivered the onslaught which expressed her anger.

Anyway, calm was restored by lunchtime when we had to attend an event for women entrepreneurs where the headline speaker was one Rachel Bridges, a columnist in the Times and author who has recently published a book called Make a Million Before Lunch. Many names were dropped during the half hour or so she spoke :)

The gig was held at Discovery Point. Home to RRS Discovery, the ship which took Captain Scott to the Anarctic. I popped outside to blip it but was way to close to take a decent shot! Ho hum. Will try again another day.

In the background is the Olympia Centre one of two box shaped eyesores legacy of the 70's on Dundee's waterfront, it and the Hilton hotel will soon be no more as the Dundee Waterfront project marches on at speed (estimated completion 2031) It is in this area that the new V&A will be sited. Here's hoping we end up with a better vista

Oh and thank you all loads for your lovely comments on my 300th - very much appreciated!

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