just be

By justbe

Winter wind

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Is this the sweetest little soul? All puffed up in the cold, merrily feeding and singing.

Not the sharpest focus, but...
Cracking a seed

Black-capped chickadee : Parus atricapillus 4¾-5¾" (12-14 cm)
Chickadee's are members of the titmouse family (paridae). This small tame acrobat
is distinctively patterned with a combination of black cap and bib, white cheeks,
sides buffy.
- Peterson Field Guides, Eastern Birds, by Roger Tory Peterson

Cold but sunny, I'm going to the local old cemetery in search of non icy roads for a walk. When I come back I'm going to make a big pot of Miami Black Bean soup and perhaps wield a paint brush or two in the loft. I have some details in my latest painting that I'm keen to get in.

All of this is to help the rising anxiety that I have over the cats. I wish we could just let them fight it out,but we are cautioned by the cat whisperer that doing that just sets them back and will completely prevent reconciliation. It's fear that motivates them and that just sets it deeper in their non-rational cat brains. A slow reintroduction sounds easier than it is.

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