just be

By justbe

In the company of painters

Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. Light and colour, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day.

Winston Churchill.

No birds today, I'm packing to go paint with my fellow painters. Last Friday I started a portrait of my Swedish friend L with his first grandchild. They're seated in front of his tall, round ceramic corner fireplace in the flat, bathed in the glow from the firelight. The iPhone photo he sent really grabbed me, so I decided to paint it for him. I have miles to go before it's done, but the mood is there already I think.

Thank you for all your lovely comments on our backyard /garden birds. I miss showcasing one today, but I have tended to their needs and must leave soon. We actually have 17 gray squirrels at the moment, so without me outside, the birds don't have much chance for a full breakfast. The squirrels are so bold, I think they all need to sent over the Pond to be fitted with smart little capes supplied by a champion squirrel dresser...Max's daily exposure

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