All that is beautiful

By sharob

Random Act of Kindness

You think that there is so much sadness, hatred and intolerance in this world .. How about this for a story.

After a year of trying, I finally got my first positive test, I joined the Due In March forum on an online parenting community straight away. There were around 90 of us, which eventually dwindled down to 40. We all shared cravings, feelings, intimate details, we were all connected by our unborn babies, no matter what walk of life we'd come from. We had our babies, shared pictures, spent sleepless nights typing to eachother, keeping eachother company in the early hours. Everything was great until one of our Marchies baby's got sick. We followed his story, read his diagnosis, read about his treatment, read about his days in the hospice and then, one day, read to find that he'd gained his angel wings one night. Over these months, this bunch of strangers showed so much warmth and compassion to a family in need.

Another social networking site keeps us in touch, we're probably a group of 25 now who are still in touch. Most of us try to spread the word, raise awareness of fundraiser for this cause. The other day, our friend put a status update that she was looking at a urns for her baby boy, he's still in the standard issue pot but she's had a very tough couple of years and couldn't afford what she wanted. I took it upon myself to call upon the Marchies to see what we could do, everyone rallied together and started putting money into another friends Paypal until one particular lady mailed me to say that she would cover the entire cost herself. £379. She transferred it to my bank this morning.

I was with another friend this morning when the message came through on my phone to say that the transfer had been made, both my friend and I were in tears at this lady's generosity.

Out of something so horribly sad, can come a beautiful thing ... Warmth, love and compassion. From more or less, total strangers. I know we'll all be friends forever, we have a strong connection and a great deal in common.

That is the best random act of kindness ever.

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