Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Project Garden

We have a teeny tiny garden space at the front of our house. Just 12ft wide by 7ft deep. And the width includes the path and the bit at the side which is occupied by what I think is the biggest and best rosemary bush in the world. Rosemary has provided us with delicious additions to our cooking and also - sadly - with departure gifts at the funerals of friends we have lost.

Which leaves the kind of square-ish bit, that you can see in this photo. Roland is much more of a gardener than I am. He knows what he's doing; I know what I would like to be done. So - the plan is that instead of just letting the square-ish bit do it's own thing entirely, this year we'll have a go at clearing a little bit of space for us (me) to sit in the sun, read and watch the world go by when I'm not at work. Yes, there will still be the wildness but with perhaps some containers full of lovely things - himself says we have lots of containers in the shed, and himself also says he already has some seeds that can be used.

We just need to do a bit of clearing the ground and then who knows what we'll end up with? Watch this space ....

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