Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Miserable day today. far too wet and cold to attempt long walks up the hill so meandered along the shore instead, kept busy playing "fetch" with Oscar and Scott. The tide was in so Oscar got really wet.

After lunch we moved the bird feeders to a more sheltered part of the garden. Off course Oscar just had to be there as well , helping by eating the fat ball I had made up for the birds, I did manage to resue some of it. The off course he had a ball running all over the place, just as well we have half an acre of garden on the shore side of the house. Even with all that space he still has to escape back down on to the shore.

Any way after chasing him backup to the house , organising dinner etc I had some time to watch patiently until the birds found the feeder station again . The perch you see the wee chaffinctanding on is a sall twig brought down from the hill yesterday.
Hope you like it.

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