Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

No Birds Today

Today was one of those days when even the birds didn't appear, really wet and windy. I put on waterproof trousers and jacket to take Oscar a walk along the river in the morning and again for his walk along the road and back via the shore. John can walk him tonight.

Not a bird seemed to come near the feeder station but when I checked the seed was gone from the perches so they must have been there at some point although I didn't see or hear any.

So tonight it was back to getting a flower shot using one from the Valentine bouquet , getting a bit tired looking so this is the best looking of the bunch ( the white and green ones are still perfect but you've already sen one of them ). Any way I set up a mini studio on the computer table using creamy silk material as a backdrop with the flower in a small vase, lighting from the angle poise lamp tilted slightly down and away from the flower head. I preferrred the close up without the vase so here it is , as usual I hope you like it.
Regards and have a great weekend.

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