
By blowfish


This productive day is wrapping up nicely, corresponding as it is with the setting sun and all.

I spent almost three hours at the library working on my article about yesterday's alleycat race while Leah met with her group about their presentation. I have no idea, obviously, if the Weekly will even dig the piece at all--all I have is the assistant editor's well-wishes and general desire to read my work. But I like it. A lot. It feels like my style: honest, lyrical, somewhat pretentiously overblown. Who knows, maybe Trinity will want it for their shop blog. Or I will always just post it on my personal page somewhere. Hell, we will see how it all comes out in the wash, as they say (what a bunch of stupid expressions I just bunched up together there).

Another element of the productivity equation was getting the grocery shopping done. We usually try to avoid the whole weekend trip for this chore but our food rations depleted with bad timing, I suppose. It always looks really nice, I think, the full fridge and packed freezer. And all of the options that arise when asked: "what do you want to do for dinner?" God, I love to eat.

Putting some final touches on the article to send out on the 'morrow then time to dive into our stocked larder and prepare something tasty.

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