
By middleman


I had some free time this morning for a decent walk between my parental duties and headed out west along the canal. Following a conversation last night about one of my musical heroes from years gone by, my headphones were full of the sound of the mighty Husker Du. And, it's a bit of an obvious one given its title, but there can surely be fewer better ways to kickstart your day than by listening to this one (quite loud, that goes without saying I think).

Rest of the day has been calm and peaceful, my girls on good form, and I can't see anything extraordinary happening between now and bedtime, no photographic happenings will be taking place in my kitchen and, unless aliens land in the park out the back of ours, my camera is staying firmly put, well away from my black-and-white seeing eye. Early blip. Teatime beckons.

* Those readers of a certain age who have a keen interest in the likes of Husker Du, Black Flag, Sonic Youth and Dinosaur Jr may like to check out this classic tome.

Oh, it's too early.......a wee Huskies bonus to end. There's not been a whole heap of cover versions but Mark Kozelek of The Red House Painters does a quite lovely job with his take on this particular number.

That's it..........stop.

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