
By katgirl


I hate ticks. They should all die.

This one was behind Bob's right ear. So tiny - it looked like a speck of dirt until I saw its little legs moving. Fortunately, Bob was in such a deep sleep that he didn't even wake up when I removed it.

This nasty little thing is swimming in a deadly pool of rubbing alcohol so that he will not harm anyone ever again (unless he has an afterlife....).

Update 5/28/09 - Thanks everyone for your comments. I am pretty sure the tick attached when Bob was playing in the bushes after school. It was not engorged when I took it off 2 hours later. I found this cool website to identify ticks. I think it is a nymph of the dog tick. Since it didn't have much time to suck on my poor child, he will hopefully be spared Lyme, Ehrlichia, or Anaplasma which these bugs can carry. I see these infections in my canine patients all the time.

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