
Today's the day …………………. to dig

I got the chance to do something today, that has long been on the wish list - to take part in an archaeological dig.

We went to a talk a few months ago given by David Devereux about Tongland Abbey.  It was established by Alan, Lord of Galloway, for the Premontstratensian order in 1218.  Although it became quite an important place - very little physical evidence of the abbey now survives.  Trial excavations have been carried out over a number of years by David and his volunteers, continuing from April until October this year.  I put my name down to help and this was my first stint.

The dig is taking place in the garden of Mansewood (the former parish manse) and the particular aim this year is to expose more of the abbey's wall foundations or foundation trenches and thereby establish more of the layout of the site.  It's slow and painstaking work but very rewarding to see shapes emerging from the bottom of the trenches.  Lots of fragments of pottery - some of it from mediaeval times (see extra) was unearthed - together with clay pipes, bottles, iron nails, bone and other artefacts.

I enjoyed my day very much and I'll be back next week for more ………………..    

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