Hi guys. I live in Hamilton, Scotland and work in a College of Nursing. So hoping for plenty of blipping opportunities with strange medical dohickies.

I got into this slowly. I've always like photography and when I was introduced to this site, I lurked about and just looked at all the great Read more...

Hi guys. I live in Hamilton, Scotland and work in a College of Nursing. So hoping for plenty of blipping opportunities with strange medical dohickies.

I got into this slowly. I've always like photography and when I was introduced to this site, I lurked about and just looked at all the great blips to start with. Eventually, I went for it and posted and haven't looked back.

The wife has been turned into a blip widow, though she nearly spends as much time lurking about here than I do.

Edit: The wife has now given in and joined us. So if you see a Mrs O giving me grief in some comments, she's sort of allowed for putting up with me for so long.

Hope this site gives me the opportunity to learn what I can do with a camera and explore things more.

Have fun guys.