Happy Birthday R jnr!!!

What a lovely day we had!

Happy Birthday my dearly beloved only grandchild!! You are 18 today my love! My prayers for you are for all the love and success you can wish for! You are só special Ronnie, we love you and appreciate you for the wonderful person you are! We are só proud of you and want to thank you for always being humble and respectful! You are such a hard working young man, we never need to be ashamed of you!

First thing this morning, we decorated his birthday gift, parked it on the front porch and called him down from his room!

Oh my word!! What a surprise!! He had NO idea that he was getting a brand new car for his 18th birthday! He believed that he was getting my little two year old Fiesta, because we told him that I use it só seldom, it is really not worth keeping it, I very often use his mom's car to go places, so he can have mine, we will treat him to a smart sound system, and that will be his birthday gift! .... and he actually believed us!! Hehehehe!

He was só shocked, he had no words, he could only smile and wipe a tear or two, every so now and again!

I paid for the 'mag wheels' that was fitted, so we wrapped one wheel in gift wrapping and I stuck his birthday card from me, into one of the 'spokes' of the wheel!

There were só many surprises during the day! The really almost impossible surprise was when his great buddy from Denmark, Sydney, turned up late this afternoon with his parents! By golly, can you imagine that!? Syd is sleeping over here tonight, his parents booked in to a local Guest House, and will fetch him early tomorrow morning, they are leaving for Zambia from Johannesburg International Airport on the 11:00 flight. The parents are working in Ndola, Zambia, doing Aids counselling and support and supplying patients with ARV's, donated by Denmark!

Well, I am saying goodnight, everybody in the house are fast asleep, except for R jnr and Syd, and of course me, sitting here and 'chatting' to you guys!! ;-)

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