a town called E.

By Eej

Inspired ...

Funny, this Blip malarkey. I've been trying to photograph this fence for a while and it never was quite how I wanted it but today I thought: WWDD? (what would Dotty do?) and now I'm happy with the result.


We did step out for a bit to watch the moon, last night, though to my laymen eye it didn't look a whole lot bigger then usual. tWas very pretty though :)

The Beloved's cold made for some excessive snoring, which he decided to bring closer by snuggling with me in the middle of the night, as I was trying to move as far away from him and his monster-sounds. Good times.
I made up for it by sleeping for two hours after he'd gotten up, messing up our let's-go-shopping-at-ten schedule.
Oh, well :)

A short stop at the Hatchery for my bird-spotting, and then to Aldi and Meijer where I, in a fit of rebelliousness, took some Cosmo's from behind their white censorship construction thingie and put them in front for all the world to see.
I don't understand why it is okay for kids to read all about (supposed) anorexia, adultery, aliens, violence, utter insanity (I'm looking at you, Charlie Sheen!) and gawd knows what, but should be protected from seeing the word 'sex' on a magazine.

And now I will go curl up under a blankie, enjoy some peace and quiet and rest up for tomorrow :)

ps. looks good large. Really.

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