Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Driving to Catalina Island

Not really! It is not possible to drive to Catalina and there are no ferries to take cars there. Lots of people take their bicycles. Today we crested the hill and rounded the curve next to the Marriott Resort and viewed a favorite sight . . . Catalina Island. The winds had been strong here all weekend so we knew that the coastline would be displaying fantastic sights. We weren't disappointed.

We had driven the 40 miles to the ocean to have breakfast and get some fresh air. After all the preparation of the weekend getting ready for yesterday's dinner party, I wanted to get out of the house for a bit, so we went to have a bite to eat at a favorite place "The Beachcomber Cafe" in Crystal Cove. They serve delicious healthy organic food. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.

Then we started the journey toward home with a stop to get the three pooches who had spent the night at the Pet Hotel because I couldn't find a tux for Max nor two gowns, one for Chloe and one for Mitzi. ;-) No, I knew that they wouldn't be comfortable confined to their crates when so many people were here -- they would want to lick and smell everyone.

As we were exiting the beach our daughter sent me a text wanting to know what we were doing. She loves the beach and was envious when she learned where we were. Then later in the afternoon she sent another text and I recognized that she had time on her hands. So I suggested that they bring their two dogs to our place and we could all have dinner together and our son-in-law could teach Mr. Fun how to barbecue salmon. So that is what we did. Our granddaughter came here after her class concluded at the college where I teach and soon there were 5 adults and 5 pooches having a blast together. Our daughter's dogs had never met Mitzi and Max and they all behaved wonderfully. We walked laps around the pool (not in the pool, since none of the dogs are fond of water). We threw the ball and all of them sniffed every part on all the others. When all the grilling was finished, we enjoyed a delicious dinner. Sometimes it's just fun to be spontaneous and we were today!

So that's the story for the first Monday in May.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka

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