Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Cornwall Club

Yesterday was pretty much one of the worst days I've had since Ida was born. It would appear that my skills (or SKILLLLLLZZZZ as my friend Clom would type it) at keeping a level head when my children go berserker are pretty much non existent (although my skilllllllllllz at shouting my head off and being sick of the sound of my own voice are treeeeemendous).

Still, today was another day and whilst Ida point blank refused to sleep all day I managed to have a lovely time of it all - thanks to Ruth & Anja visiting with their wee gorgeous babbers and good chat. Can't help thinking it had something to do with Arlo being at nursery and the sunshine being out.

After collecting Arlo from nursery we hung out in the back garden playing in the sandpit (Arlo), hanging up washing (me) and screaming our heads off in frustration at being so knackered (Ida, though could easily also have been me).

Daddy came home and we took some silly pictures. Then we finally got the kids to bed. And now we're waiting on pizza and cracking into the vino. It's WINE THURSDAY Y'ALLLLLLLL!


EDIT: Oh yeah, and in case you weren't aware (why would you be?) She-Bang are playing on Saturday 11th June at the Leith Gala Day here's the link (we're not really called She-Bang Music DJs by the way) AND we're playing at the Voodoo Rooms with DJ Brainstorm on 25th June.

Join us on our facebook page too if you want to get your requests in for your guilty pleasures tunes x x x

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