Northern Exposure

By Northern

Long productive day

I spent most of the day in the garden. Wrestled with weeds to the point my back ached but did manage to get most of one of the veg beds back to something that could be home to more than just a carpet of nettles and buttercups.

Next I required the wheelbarrow but as this was full of the sawdust and shit from the hen house I had to empty it into the compost heap. Of course I couldn't just heap it on the top. No, I decided the heap needed built properly. All of the potential content which had been collected in one bin had to be mixed and layered with the stuff already in the heap that's started cooking. I also wheeled a couple of barrowloads of vintage manure round and slathered layers of that through it just to keep it sweet - like the jam in a giant cake.

Eventually I had to stop and come in the house as I was starting to feel a bit tired and headachey from being out in the sun all day. Wouldn't want to go all faint and be found head down in the compost now would I?

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