Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


The day had begun, and I noticed the water dish was dry so I turned on the faucet. My Sheepish Contraptioneer has set it up so this tubing holds the dish in place and fills it nicely when the faucet is engaged. Milo and 'Boston Blackie' were the first to enjoy the cool offering. Milo lingered there a long time. I wondered if he could see his reflection, did he know it was him or perhaps thought there were more cats drinking than there were.

Family reunion today, a time to reflect, to connect, to remember, to remind. The hard work of the dedicated, pulled it off beautifully and everyone had a wonderful time. (I was not among the dedicated, but so appreciate the work of those who were and was happy to bring my 'dish to share')

Perhaps because of the reunion, I've had more than the usual conversations about humans and our fears and assumptions about each other lately. Sometimes we interact with a group of family members and we see ourselves reflected there. Sometimes we assume too many things about what the others are thinking or what their comments meant. Then, in a vacuum, we try to figure it out without checking our assumptions and following up with some good one-on-one conversation and just a big hug and an 'I love you'. Reunions are always bitter sweet for me. I like to build on the relationships I have. It is so hard to only talk with people every 10 years or so, try to understand who I am in relationship to this large family, then go back to my daily grind and still not know much about who they are, who I am in relation to them, and who my ancestors were. The thing I am happy to say today, is that as I reflect on this day, the memories will be good, and the positive, kind and loving things that I saw and heard and experienced today will linger in my mind.

To end the day, I participated on a team for Relay for Life, a cancer walk, with my co-workers and a cousin. Reflected on the many lives that have been effected or lost through cancer and how grateful I was to see so many people working hard to raise funds to find a cure.

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