My dear old Hands

Thought it appropriate to blip them tonight, since it is the last night ever they'll look exactly like this!! ;-)

Tomorrow morning at 07:00 I will be booked in to hospital, to have them operated on by about 11:00. The orthopaedic surgeon, specialising in hands, dr Nicci vd Walt, will fix the left thumb joint, which is totally disintegrated, just like the right index finger's first joint! She promised me 100% use of both hands after about 3 months, and almost 95% pain relief!! Woohoo, I am só looking forward to be able to use them again! I am prepared for the operations, which will, apparently, be vérrrrry painful, since she will have to build new little joints by 'stealing' bone and tendon form other places in the hands, and fix some teeny weeny screws in the joints as well!! But I am willing to endure this pain for a while, looking forward to a complete recovery within 11 weeks!!

Please keep me in your thoughts, I luvvvv al of U!!

I will battle a bit to blip in the coming couple months, but C & the two R's promised to assist!! LuvvvvvThemToBits as well!! And my two dear boys in Stockholm, I know how much you love me and thank you for your well wishes tonight, it is deeply appreciated, ILuvU2!!!

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