Northern Exposure

By Northern


It was Campbell's friend's birthday party today. Which consisted of a riding lesson followed by the usual stuff your face and run around in the garden type of thing. It was a huge success.

The boys all had a fantastic time at the riding school. They gave them a basic intro to the going forward, steering and braking routine. Some fun balance stuff... touch your toes, knees to your chin, tickle the horse between the ears kind of thing. followed by lots of going round the ring in various gears.

Campbell did great, in fact all the kids did. Took to it like a duck to water and had a huge grin stick to his face that matched the huge hat stuck on his head. He did esepecially well when during the rising trot practice his pony decided it was going to have a wee canter. He wasn't fazed at all and managed to hang on with not too much difficulty.

Once they all had the hang of the basis the instructor let them have go at some mounted games. You know the kind of thing the Pony Club do so well and so fast! Watching our brave bunch of beginners was a bit like watching a slow motion replay as everything was done at a walk, or maybe a trot for the more adventurous, rather than the breakneck gallop the experts go for. But the kids loved it and were even starting to sort of get the hang of it by the end.

The boys all reckoned it was the best birthday party they had ever been to. Only problem is that Campbell has been bitten by the horse bug and wants to go for lessons.... I can feel my wallet quaking at the thought.

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