Northern Exposure

By Northern

Friday nights are dancing nights.

I took up bellydancing last year (no laughing). I'm not very good at it. The whole thing about doing one thing with your hips and another with your arms is beyond me. It's the patting your head and rubbing your stomach thing x 10. I can do one at a time, but put the two together and it all goes to pot. However it is loads of fun, never laughed this much at any step class. And you get to wear noisy, glittery clothes like my coin belt in this shot.

A huge bonus is that I've discovered a whole area of music. From very traditional astuff to the crossover. I love Rachid Taha's Tekitoi especially Rock el Casbah. It's great to play really loud and dance around the kitchen to.

Every second Friday after the bellydancing class me and a mate go and do a couple of hours of scottish country dancing. Exhausting! FUN!

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