Aaron Style ...

Aaron has been working out for about five months now, he really enjoys it. I worried at first, I was hoping it was a boy thing and that he may get over it in a couple of weeks.

But he has stuck to it every evening, especially since he started doing GCSE Sports and he seems to know what he is allowed to do and how much.

He is going to start College next year to do Uniform Services for two years as he wants to become a fireman. He is growing up so quickly now, and he seems to know what he wants.

I took him to my Photography Course last night as he offered to be my model, then my tutor said he could stay for the rest of the evening to develope the negatives which we had taken photographs of. He really enjoyed himself. It gave him a taster of College, which he seemed to enjoy.

I am so glad you like your images I took of you tonight Aaron, good thinking on your part.

I cant believe how much Aaron's face has changed since April of this year.

Loves Ya Aaron

Mum xxx

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