Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza


I finally made it to 300! Wow - almost an entire year of Blipping! I didn't really have any creative ideas for a blip - hey, lipstick on the mirror before heading out the door works for me ;)

To understand my photography is to understand me and what a large place it holds in my life. Some people get it right away, some have to dig a little further. I love to capture those rare moments of beauty and hold them there in time. We truly live in an extraordinary place filled with so much beauty...I love being able to interpret the world through my eyes and share it with others.

This community has truly grown on me. It started out as something just for me...a creative release...maybe I was hoping to get inspired by others. I am so grateful for everyone that I have gotten to know on this site, the comments you leave me, the feedback on my photography, it really is nice to be able to connect with others from all over the world who share your passion!

Observe. Appreciate. Capture. Share. Inspire.

Thank you all!!


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